Baby Round 2 – Forget it!

photoBaby Round 2. Monitor sounds. Dogs jump off the bed. I hurry to brush my teeth and pee so my bladder doesn’t explode while I’m changing his diaper, making his breakfast and entertaining this mobile 13-month-old, all while I clean up the kitchen and get ready for work. Showers happen in a flash. My hair hasn’t seen a blow dryer in what seems like eons. And if I actually get the chance to put on make-up I don’t look half bad for rolling out of bed still exhausted from getting up 10 times the night before to pee. Oh ya, did I mention I’m pregnant with round 2?

Pack his car snack. Get toys ready and accessible for possible fits. Drive to Grandma’s (Lita or Grammy depending on the day!), drop him off and catch them up on yesterday’s developments. Kisses, then hurry off to work to open the store in time for our usual prompt 10am shoppers. Impressively managing to hold my bladder long enough to actually relax and pee in a bathroom without puppies licking my toes and trying to prevent little man from putting his hands in the toilet before I can flush! Whew…childless for what seems like a blink of an eye. (Well, sort of, considering the one in utero.)

The second pregnancy has been wildly different than the first. Let’s compare:

1st Pregnancy 2nd Pregnancy
Selfies and Weekly Milestone Pictures Weekly Milestone Pictures every 3rd week or when I remember
Working out 5x a week Working out by chasing and entertaining Cooper
Strictly watching everything I eat and drink Eating what’s available and what I crave
Rubbing belly butter and oils 2x daily Belly Butter – If I have energy or remember at night
At least 1 – 2-hour nap everyday 2 – 30 minute naps a week – If I’m lucky
Wearing maternity clothes around week 24 Wearing maternity clothes the moment I found out I was pregnant!
Reading baby prep books every night before bed What is reading?
Write in babies journal 4x a week Have to back-date my entries a couple weeks when I actually remember to input!

photo 3Poor, poor baby #2. I hope she doesn’t feel neglected! I hope she doesn’t come out 10 pounds heavier or that my stretch marks don’t grow up to my eyeballs from the lack of resistance to cravings, belly butter, naps, etc. At the end of the day, it has nothing to do with how much love I have for this baby. Lord knows every kick gives me goose bumps and a smile on my face, but on the same token thank heavens she kicks at all so I remember she exists in the midst of my hectic daytime schedule!


photo 1I’m sure when she’s old enough to care and she looks back on Cooper’s baby journal vs. hers she’ll have questions. Unfortunately and fortunately the only answer I’ll have is “wait until it’s your turn, honey, it will all make sense.” Until that moment happens, I’ll make up for it all with frequent mommy-daughter dates and constant kisses for as long as she lets me!

 (Projects like painting her toy chest help to keep me grounded in her pregnancy too! Shameless Plug: If painting isn’t you’re thing but you want a special gift for your little one, we’d love to custom design your toy chest!) 

photo 2While it may seem that this pregnancy is a lot less glorious than the first, I can’t say that from every perspective. Obviously, being in the store, all of the little girl bows, ruffles and clothes are screaming at me a little louder than the boy wardrobe ever did. And sharing this experience a second time with mommies who come in to talk to me about their growing families, I can now relate to a whole new bracket of moms, while also relishing in all things Cooper. I have both anxiety and excitement about meeting this little one that is quite different than baby #1. This time I know what to expect…and I can’t wait to experience all her firsts and milestones like we did with Coop.

(Love these Cheeky Charlie Local Hand-made headbands, we also sell them in the store and you can have them custom designed too!)

 photo 1 copyIt’s amazing the transformation your life can take in a short years time frame, namely the one after you have your first child! The things you value have drastically changed and the time you took for granted in the past (such as a shower or going to the bathroom) are now luxuries. I’m anticipating what it will be like with an infant AND a 17 month old toddler…probably even less frequent showers…

But it will all be worth it when I get snuggles at the end of my frantic day from BOTH of my little miracles. Have you had two or more children or are you pregnant with baby #2 (or 3 or 4)? What differences have you experienced? What tips do you have for other moms? Share your thoughts in the comment thread!