Egg Hatched – First Latch

The first few moments are surreal. You have so many expectations; what they will look, smell like, feel like. What will your first words be? However, my biggest hope and expectation beyond an uncomplicated delivery, was for him to latch immediately. To know that mommy is here to comfort and keep you safe always, and most importantly to keep you alive. It’s a bonding experience that is unmatched. And though exhausting, especially at the beginning, there are no words to describe the peacefulness you feel when they are content and nursing. 


Mind you, with the good, usually there is always the opposing forces of bad. Yes, it hurts. Yes, it’s extremely time consuming. Yes, you feel like a cow the first few weeks. Yes, you lose all sense of privacy and timidness about being “exposed”. Yes, you are doing 3 times the laundry because you are wearing a multitude of shirts throughout the day. Yes, you lose awareness of day and night because they feed around the clock. And yes, you feel like your husband will never again look at your boobs the same way after seeing them in this state. 

Thankfully, with the bad there always comes a ‘BUT’. But, you get used to it and it doesn’t hurt anymore. But, the time spent is the most precious bonding time you will never regret. But, they get on a feeding schedule so you’re only ‘milked’ from time to time and it’s keeping them healthy. But, you get the hang of things and learn to reveal a little less. But, you find the nursing pads and remedies that keep your shirt dry as long as possible. But, once you aren’t doing it around the clock you look forward to it. But, your husband learns to adore it and YOU for it. 


I was fortunate enough, (thanks mainly in part to Stacy Kucharczk, a local expert and lactation consultant with Best Feeding Lactation Services, LLC) that Coop took to it immediately and never looked back. I had a few struggles with scheduling,  learning to pump when I went back to work, and slight production issues…but we are almost 7 months in counting and there is nothing sweeter than picking him up for feeding time and seeing his little lips start moving before my shirt is even pulled up. 

Now, to speak directly to the “milking” topic. Just like there is an art to nursing, there is an art to pumping! The first time I tried it, I remember the noise alone scared me. Nothing like already being tender and now the true cow suckling begins from a machine. Suck – Pull – Milk. Talk about feeling unsexy. My biggest lesson here was being in a comfort zone, having a picture or video of Cooper accessible to help my milk ‘let’, and securing a routine for storing it. Once I got that down to a science, it was easy. Though, I will say, I was never fully “comfortable” doing it. And I was happy to see that aspect of nursing go away after 6 months. 

While I am no expert, I surely have my go to tips for my new mommy friends. 

1. You can’t care what anyone else thinks about nursing. No matter where you are, find a place where you are comfortable and make that baby happy. They come first. Not other people’s opinion. 

2. You have to relax! If you are stressed, the baby can sense that. The moment you find your “happy place” they too will get in the groove. 

3. The organic washable pads didn’t work for me. I tried double layering, plastic backs, lilly pads, everything. The only thing that worked were the NUK all nighter pads – I used them ALL day. It was inevitable I was going to leak…so I had to be prepared. 

4. Scheduling was key for my sanity. When he was brand new of course, I did on demand feeding, but after a couple months, I started a schedule that worked for us and it truly eased my mind and body knowing I had little breaks from time to time. 

5. Keep them clean! The last thing we all have time for is infection. So in the midst of all the shirt and nursing pad changes, be sure to wash up. (This will help prevent thrush and other complications). 

6. Lastly, and most importantly – Involve your partner. The time is precious and they are often kicked to the side while nursing. At first especially, have him help you. Let him sit there with you in the wee hours of the morning. If anything, have him get up to change and get baby ready, while you have a few extra minutes to shut eye. It helps you and it helps them feel connected too.


At the end of the day, all of our bodies are different. But I truly believe God intended for us to have this special bond for a reason. It doesn’t come easy, but it is so worth it. 


If you are interested in learning more about breastfeeding, we offer FREE monthly seminars at our store.