5 Must Have Resources and Tools for New Moms

You nest for months, preparing for the arrival of your little human. The house is cleaner than it ever has been, their room is perfect; everything in place. Car seat installed, hospital bag packed, you’re just waiting and anticipating all the firsts. Have you stopped to think about what happens AFTER they are born? Sure you have the 48-hour hospital stay and the exciting first trip home, but what then?

Besides staring at this beautiful thing you made for hours on end, life still goes on, and you still have certain things you will absolutely NEED. There are friends and family to help, but there are also quite a few services that most people don’t know about that are offered which can truly help ease the exhaustion of those first few weeks.

1. Meal Prep Service – This is surely a phenomenal help! The concept is to create a meal calendar in which friends and family can sign up to cook and drop off a hot meal to the new parents. It’s a free service, mealtrain.com, that help makes life a lot more relaxing. Though, a few words from experience to help make it truly easy: Have someone else coordinate it for you. Invitations can be sent via email and Facebook to friends who would want to participate.Make sure to reiterate the point that this is strictly to help mommy and daddy (and family) out – not to spend 2 hours hanging out with the new baby when mommy would rather be sleeping. While visitors are nice, sometimes the very beginning can be overwhelming. So a cook and drop expectation set is essential and if you are up for it, then surely they can come in.Let everyone know that they aren’t cooking for a dozen and it doesn’t have be any glamorous 5-course meal. Something simple is just as appreciated. Plus you don’t want to waste leftovers when you’ll have new meals coming in.Skip a night here and there. Since you will likely get more portions than you need, give yourself every 2nd or 3rd night off so you can eat the leftovers and not have food rotting in your fridge.

mealtrain2. Breastfeeding lactation consultant – So while you eating is surely important, baby eating is essential! All new mommies will get their free advice from the in-hospital lactation consultants, but sometimes they can be a bit pushy or rushed and give advice that may not be most consoling to the new mom (such as: “you are going to have to supplement if they won’t latch”.) We already have enough pressure, so working with a consultant outside of the hospital once you are home and settled can be very reassuring. Local specialist, Stacy Kucharczk, with BestFeeding Lactation Services, LLC, http://www.helpingyou2breastfeed.com , is a lifesaver! She is incredibly knowledgeable, with her MSN, RN, CPNP, IBCLC licenses, but most importantly compassionate. A mother herself, she really is able to console, instruct and help with problems that may occur. I highly recommend her, even if you have the smallest question, she’s happy to help; via phone, text, in-home visits, etc. Call her before you give up! It’s an experience you won’t want to miss.

breastfeeding3. Bra Fittings – On the same breastfeeding note; if you haven’t already gotten yourself some adequate nursing bras (or nursing tops), you will realize quickly that they aren’t a luxury, but a true necessity. At the beginning, you feel more like a cow than a new mom. It seems like you really only have your boobs unexposed for about 30 minute increments before it’s time to whip them out again. Therefore, nursing wear that makes it easier and FITS for that matter, are so much more wonderful than attempting to wear your own bra and having to be literally nude. Also, you will notice they get dirty frequently because of leaking, etc. That is why we, and most professionals, recommend to have at least three. One in the wash, one on your body, and one for when that one gets dirty. All of which serve a little different purpose. One as a sleep bra for comfort and less restriction and ease of night-time feeding. One which is a day-time comfort bra that you can wear as your go to and then one that you go in public with that will have a bit more coverage and perhaps padding to cover your nipples.

So of course, we offer FREE bra fittings at any time. No appointment needed and we’ll get you in there trying on a different lines to help teach you about the different support styles, etc. If you are reading this early and haven’t yet delivered, come in around your 37 week mark and get yourself prepared ahead of time, we love giving mommies comfort!

nursebra4. Mommy Pampering – You may not be able to fathom leaving your sweet pea, but I promise it will be very rejuvenating. Whether you are going for a facial, a massage, a fresh new haircut and color, or just a pedicure…GO – DO – ENJOY. You know the saying “Happy Wife, Happy Life”, well “Happy Momma, No Drama”. My personal favorite is a facial, massage combo with The Skin Ranch. Sue is a mom herself so she knows the importance of your relaxation and treats you like a piece of gold. You will feel completely revived and ready to see that baby by the time you leave.

skinranch5. New Mommy Phone App – Ok back to breastfeeding. I know it seems like a lot to do with breastfeeding, but you will quickly find, beyond it’s importance, it consumes you at first. All worth it. This app saved me, especially during my insomnia. To be able to track the duration, the time, which side, when I pumped, as well as diaper changes, sleeping patterns, doctor visits. The app is called Baby Nursing, but there are many options out there that do similar things. I just know people, myself included, like FREE.


Well that is just the tip of the iceberg of useful services for new mommies. My main purpose for writing this was to help prepare you and your mind for those days and weeks after baby. Your number one useful service is obviously your significant other, you parents, in-laws and friends (if family aren’t nearby). Having them over to help, even if them sitting with the baby for an hour while you sleep or shower, you’ll not only want their help, you will need it! Joy surely encompasses all this exhaustion and craziness, so don’t get me wrong…but the moments when you think you won’t get by any longer, turn to one of these ideas!

Best of luck mommy! And remember…just breathe.


Top 10 Must Haves for Your Baby Registry

I remember the first time I registered for baby items at the large name retailers like Babies “R” Us and Target. Let’s just say, thank God for my mom who has been in the industry of babies for 28 years, otherwise I would have been like a lost puppy. Endless aisles of baby gear, from bottle brands to diaper brands and gadgets you’ve never heard of…how would a first time mom in a typical setting even begin to know what to do or where to start? Sure, we can always turn to Google, but I think typically moms just go scan-happy and register for everything in order to get a little bit of it all. Honestly, half of it you’ll never use more than once and at the end of the day it’s up to baby if they like a certain pacifier or brand of bottle.

Second time around, everything is a no brainer. You know what works and what doesn’t, what you actually use and what is useless. And, you also know it’s not always about the “name brand”, but more about the RIGHT brand. So I thought for all my first-time mommy friends I’d give you a leg up on your registry by sharing some inside scoop on need vs. want and some unique gifts you can find at smaller boutique stores that end up being life-savers for mommy (and daddy).

Also, I want to drive home the importance of the essentials that are made for mommy. As a mom, innately we only think of our little one, but there are plenty of needs that help you comfort-wise too. Why not register for those essential items instead of the cutesy, one-time use only gadgets you may think look cool?

So, in fear of overwhelming you, but wanting to provide a decent list to get you started, here are my top 10 mommy must-haves for your registry (many of which you probably never even thought to add):

*If it’s in BLUE – that means Modern Maternity carries them in store for cheaper than competitors AND no shipping!

1. Baby Carrier: No better way to be than hands-free when you have a little one. Of course, at first you just want to snuggle them 24/7, but eventually the dishes and laundry will call your name, and it’s nice to have a carrier that you are comfortable with that provides good support for both of you. My favorites are the Moby Wrap, The Ergo, and the traditional Ring Sling.

Bonus Note: We carry hand-made ring-slings with customizable fabric pockets and extra fabric that doubles as a nursing cover.

baby carrier 1

2. Pello: Forget about the Boppy, this product gets use for YEARS, instead of just a few months. The Pello, designed by a stay-at-home mom in Ohio, launched 2 years ago and has been growing in popularity because of its usability. Great for keeping baby on a sanitary, comfortable surface (especially when traveling or going to a friend’s house). It also doubles as a “boppy-like” pillow for tummy time, but these have useful link attachments so the toys don’t roll away from baby. The whole thing can be thrown in the wash, instead of having to fight with a cover. It’s Coopers favorite calm TV time place and my 7 year-old niece loves to lounge in it for movie time too, so that goes to show you it truly lasts a long time! (Plus they have customizable fabrics)

 pello 1

3. Baby Monitor: Obviously a must have! I have been without mine for a week, because little man dropped it and I’ve been waiting for the new shipment more impatiently than anything I’ve ever waited for! Video monitors are incredible for the first time worried momma. How many years can I use it for without it being weird that I watch him sleep??

baby mointer 44. Nose Frida – “The Snot Sucker”: So everyone knows about the blue bulb which has been given to mom and dad in the hospital for decades. Well without getting too descriptive – how do you clean that thing? What does it truly look like inside? How far are you supposed to go up in the nose? Are you affecting the baby’s nose membranes at all? You’ll never know…Born is the Nose Frida. The perfectly sanitary, non-invasive snot sucker that works like a lucky charm every time. For those of you who may gag thinking of sucking snot from your child’s nose…get over it! Obviously there is a filter to block it from ever going into your mouth (it’s actually impossible if you look at how it is built). Plus, Lord knows you’ve done much more disgusting things…like when your baby boy pees in your mouth by accident or explosive diaper changing…TRY IT…I swear you’ll thank me.

snot sucker5. Diaper Bag: Great gift for mommy AND baby again. Mom, you will use the heck out of this! Get one that is practical of course, but fashion never hurts either. Remember YOU are carrying it, not the baby. So choose the colors you like. Daddy might carry it from time to time, but let’s be serious you’ll most likely be with him! I love the ones with the stroller attachment arms…amazing when your out and about; those suckers get heavy with all the Mary Poppins stuff you put inside.

Bonus Note: For those hands on daddies, we do carry diaper bags for dudes too! They are backpacks fully equipped with changing pads, cooler pockets, etc. Available in grey camo or black. We also carry a line called Stork Sak in-store for mommies…if you see one online you like, we sell it for 20% under retail to you!

diaper bags6. Amber Teething Necklace/Bracelet: So no, the baby doesn’t come out of the womb teething, though I have heard of some babies having their first teeth within a couple of months…so why not be prepared? Amber is the new craze for all teething tots. The salic acid helps to boost the immune system and ease the pain of teething. Let’s just say, beyond the fashion statement, I can tell when Cooper doesn’t have his on!

amber beads7. Bloom Bath Tub: This was one of my favorite gifts from my shower. I hadn’t seen them at the time, but they are now wildly popular and sold in many large retailers and also boutique stores. They allow for easy access in any sink, true comfort for baby, and so sanitary opposed to laying them on the actual sink surface and trying to hold them sturdy.

flower thing8. 4Moms RockaRoo/MamaRoo Swing: This space-age looking device is a God-send. There are so many settings and options on this thing, you’d think you’d never use. But baby ALWAYS gives you a reason to try any and everything. It maximizes motion sensation for baby on so many levels and it’s easy to wash.It also has an MP3 player attachment, which may be over the top, but hey…it’s an option, right?

baby swing9. Nursing Bras and/or tanks: This is one of the items I mentioned that no one registers for, but everyone should! This is the number one used product by both mommy AND baby postpartum. We do FREE bra-fittings and sizing throughout your pregnancy, as well as once your milk comes in. Don’t go spend money on a Victoria Secret bra when you are 6 months pregnant; you’ll never be able to wear it again. Get a nursing bra and utilize its benefits. (Side note: We carry up to size M in bras, so don’t fret.)

nursing bra

Bonus Note: Breast Pump! Did you know now a-days almost all insurances cover your breast pumps at 100%? Be sure to call your insurance and find out! They will either reimburse you for your purchase or they send you one of their brands for FREE.

10. Post Partum Belly Belt: These are awesome for helping your stomach re-gain muscle control after delivery, both with C-sections or vaginal deliveries. My favorite brand is the Medela, because of the sleek material it is made of, you are able to wear it under anything and hardly notice it is there. I swear it’s the main reason I was able to pull off a bikini a few weeks after the baby was born. And YES, it is OK to ask for something for yourself :).

belly wrap

Well, I hope you learned about some additional items to add to your registry or perhaps a great gift you can buy an expectant mommy. This list is obviously only my top 10 picks, there are surely many more suggestions. If you are interested or simply feel overwhelmed, we do offer a registry service where the expert – Brenda, my mom and baby-guru – will meet you at Babies “R” Us to help guide you through the experience.

Regardless, keep in mind that you and baby are literally one for the first few weeks. What’s yours is theirs and what’s theirs is yours, so it’s OK to be practical when registering. People will always manage to add in the “cute” stuff, but the essentials are what you NEED.

FYI: We currently have an in-store manual registry, but before long it will all be online and you can go scan-happy here too!

 What are some of registry must haves you’d recommend to new moms? What was your favorite gift you received as a new mom?